Bike Sharing – A Responsible Solution for the Indian City

Cycling has always been part and parcel of India, usually associated with rural and semi-urban areas. This humble mode of transport is also the most resilient – and in the days of climate change and traffic jams, cycling has made a comeback in the urban narrative. Bicycling is a solution for many things and with a simple app one can book a cycle online and start relishing the rewards.

Cost-Effective Travel Solution

Cycling is a very cheap way to travel. With bike sharing services, one can get a cycle for as less as Rs. 3 for half an hour. Choosing the cycle over a car even twice a week will result in savings equivalent to three months of fuel costs.

Cycle Tent in India by Zoomcar

One can skip gym membership fees and create more time with a cycling habit. The basic objective of a cycle ride is to travel from point A to point B. At the same time, a decent commute on the bike can help burn calories and give the heart a great workout – all this at the fraction of the cost of going to the gym.

Cycling – Long List of Health Benefits

Apart from burning fat and improving cardiovascular health, there are more health benefits that come with regular cycling sessions. Constant cycling builds muscle strength and increases flexibility.

Cycling is a low impact activity – there is less strain on the joints so people can cycle for long stretches of time without getting any injuries. It helps increase stamina and overall body strength. Cycling improves posture and strengthens the bones. This vigorous exercise improves the metabolism and the immune system. Cycling is also a distractingly enjoyable activity so one can exercise longer without feeling the fatigue associated with regular exercise routines.

Reducing Carbon Footprints through Bike Sharing

There is another novel reason why cycling is a great idea. A quiet and zero-emission transport mode – that is what a cycle offers. Many responsible commuters are opting for bike sharing because of its minimal impact.

Negotiate Traffic Jams with a Cycle

Rush hour can be a hellish experience. Whether one travels by public transport or private, a traffic jam makes no discrimination. Many hours are lost every year, putting a strain on productivity and schedules. Cycling is a great way to negotiate these gridlocks. One can squeeze through tight spots (in a safe manner) and explore narrow lanes for possible shortcuts. For reasonably short commute distances, a cycle is often quicker than a car during busy hours.

Cycle Rentals – Convenience with no Commitment

Informed travellers enjoy the bike sharing model because they only pay for what they use. Investing in a cycle is not necessary when it is very easy to book a bicycle online. All one needs to do is go to the nearest cycle station and unlock a bike using a wallet app. This seamless booking experience is a hallmark of the Pedl platform, which has a presence across many cities in India. One can book a cycle for hours, days, weeks or months even. To close a booking, the rider needs to take the cycle to the nearest rental station.

India OnGo

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