How To Reach Chopta

Chopta is located in Uttarakhand state of India and also known as mini Switzerland. This small town is situated at an altitude of 2,680 meters. Chopta is the part of the Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary. People from India as well as of all over the world came here for Chopta to Tungnath and Chandrashila trekking. It is the base for Tungnath-Chandrashila trekking.

Chopta Uttarakhand
Chopta Known as Mini Switzerland

How to Reach Chopta

By Air: Nearest Airport is Jolley Grant, Dehradun. The distance from Jolly Grant airport to Chopta is about 228 KM. Most of the major cities have direct flight to Dehradun. If you are an international traveller, then New Delhi to Dehradun flight is a good option. After Reaching Dehradoon you can easily book a taxi (cab) or take public transport.

By Road: Chopta hill station has good road connectivity from all the major cities and towns of Uttarakhand, Roads are in good condition. Public transport (Buses and Shared cabs) is available from Haridwar, Dehradun, Rishikesh, Devprayag, Rudraprayag, Ukhimath, etc.

By Rail (Train): Rishikesh is the nearest railway station, which is 209 KM away from Chopta. Rishikesh has 3 platform railway station and you can find few direct and interconnecting trains to Rishikesh from major cities. The rest of the journey can be covered by road.

Chopta Distance Chart

Location Distance
Delhi to Chopta 450 KM
Haridwar to Chopta 225 KM
Dehradun to Chopta 245 KM
Rishikesh to Chopta 205 KM
Devaprayag to Chopta 130 KM
Srinagar to Chopta 100 KM
Rudraprayag to Chopta 65 KM
Kund to Chopta 30 KM
Ukhimath to Chopta 26 KM

How to Reach Chopta from Delhi

Chopta can be reached via Air, Road and Rail from New Delhi.

How to Reach Chopta from Delhi
Delhi to Chopta Road Map

Delhi to Chopta by Air: Jolly Grant airport is the nearest airport from Delhi. It is situated in Dehradun City, Uttarakhand. Distance from Airport to Chopta is around 225 KM and it can be covered by road.

Delhi to Chopta by Road: Delhi to Chopta Distance is 450 KM and you can follow Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut-Haridwar-Devprayag-Rudraprayag-Kund-Ukhimath-Chopta route if you are travelling by private car or Taxi. You can take Delhi to Haridwar, Rishikesh or Srinagar Bus from ISBT Kashmere Gate to reach Uttarakhand. Buses to Chopta are available from all major cities and towns of Uttarakhand. Buses to Chopta can be availed from Haridwar, Srinagar, Devprayag, Rudraprayag, Pauri, Uttarkashi, Kund, Ukhimath, etc. You can also avail the services of shared cabs to reach Chopta valley.

Delhi to Chopta by Rail: Nearest Railway Station is Rishikesh. There is no direct train to Rishikesh from Delhi except one passenger train. The passenger train (Train No. 54471) is taking around 11 hours. Rishikesh to Chopta Distance is around 205 KM. Rest of the journey can be covered by Road.

How to Reach Chopta from Haridwar

Haridwar to Chopta Distance is 225 KM and this distance can be covered by road only.

How to Reach Chopta from Haridwar
Haridwar to Chopta Road Map

Haridwar-Rishikesh -Devprayag-Srinagar-Ukhimath-Chopta route is best if travelling by private vehicle or taxi. Public transport and cabs can be availed from all major cities and towns of Uttarakhand. One of the best option is to take Haridwar to Ukhimath bus and from Ukhimath you will find plenty of buses and shared cabs.

How to Reach Chopta from Dehradun

Dehradun to Chopta distance is 250 KM and it can be covered by road only.

How to Reach Chopta from Dehradun
Dehradun to Chopta Map

You can follow the Dehradun-Rishikesh-Devprayag-Srinagar-Ukhimath-Chopta route. The route is identical to Haridwar-Chopta route from Rishikesh. Dehradun to Rishikesh distance is 45 KM.

Chopta Valley View
Breathtaking View of Chopta Valley

India OnGo

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