Britain's Queen Elizabeth II dies at 96

Less Known Facts about Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II was born at 2.40am on 21 April 1926

She was crowned Queen on 2 June 1953

She was crowned Queen on 2 June 1953

She was the longest reigning monarch ever in Britain

As Queen, she has been served by 16 UK Prime Ministers

Her favourite dogs are corgis

She’s the only person in the UK allowed to drive without a licence

The Queen has two birthdays - Her actual birthday – 21 April – and her official birthday, which is held on a Saturday in June – when the weather’s better!

The Queen first sent an email in 1976 and published her first Instagram post in 2019

Horse riding, pigeon racing, and football are some of the hobbies of Queen

The Queen has sent around 50,000 Christmas cards

Princess Elizabeth made her first radio broadcast in October 1940

Queen Elizabeth II died on 8 September 2022